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Data collection and its purpose
Shirayuki Limited (“we”) collects data which is able to identify you; name, address (private and/or professional), telephone number (residential and/or business), email address of everyone who wants to be a member of us. The purposes of getting this information are for the confirmation of your order details, shipping contact, managing membership, newsletters for people who want to receive, offering rewards programs, campaigns and surveys, providing information about our internet and advertising business, customer support for the items and services we offer, and dealing with inquiries of your credit card history. And not for other purposes.
Entrust and Offer
We do not entrust or offer a third party the information which identifies an individual such as your name, address, telephone number, and email address without any further purposes than the data was originally intended for. Except as provided by law, with one’s approval, achieving the purpose of use, and outsourcing other companies.
Disclosure, Revision, and Deletion of Personal Data
When we are required to disclose, revise, add or delete, notice the purpose of use, and stop using or offering customer’s personal information, we handle them immediately by following our procedure. In accordance with the law, we charge 500 yen per one disclosure request and handle it properly and quickly.
Any request related to the disclosure, revision or deletion of privacy notice in our company, contact us below.

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