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Shirayuki URUOI moisture Blanket

PRODUCTS Beauty - Shirayuki URUOI moisture Blanket

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Shirayuki URUOI moisture Blanket

With our new-feeling moisture towel blanket, the smooth fibers absorb excess water while retaining moisture, leaving your curls frizz-free and defined.

They consistently retain 11% of moisture while moisturizing your skin thanks to their high liquid retaining properties.
These towels are ideal for delicate skin, offering gentle care to soothe daily fatigue.
These towels are also infused with squalene, a saturated deep sea oil. This stable, colorless, and odorless molecule enhances the skin’s ability to use oxygen more efficiently and acts as an effective moisturizer.

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Shirayuki URUOI moisture Blanket

Half size

Size:100×140cm (39”×55”) 
Materials:100% rayon

Haif size

Haif size

Single size

Size:140×200cm (55”×78.7”)
Materials:100% rayon

Single size

Single size

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